Simplistic Complexities

A complex home for an unseen love.

easy without the glamor of princesses but now the pain of unseen daggers.

Knowing whats underneath it all is fresh pure and happy, but now what's above is cloudy, slightly jaded, and unwelcoming.

A complex heart is only longing to go back to clearer more simplistic times, when things made more sense and were easier. Knowing that love was but a stone throw away.

"when mix tapes were made with homemade covers"
Before the markings of the sin I welcomed when this was how you were...

You, how did you get so wise?
I take the advice I find in your eyes.
Me, I’ve been waiting outside
Most of my life,
Oh like a rare b-side.

When you saw things in my eyes that spoke a 1000 times louder than any word I could say. And the purity of it all started it all off all so well.

Now I have a screaming voice in my head. Yelling at me, why, WHY, WWHHYYY!?! but "It's not finished yet, another 1000 times..." when lyrics only stood out because you sent them to me, now they define my life...

Rewind, the world comes to an end,
Turns over again,
Another 1000 times.
But me, I’ll be the same.
No, I never change,
Oh, like a rare B-side.

I wish...

o find the perfect way,
Which album to say,
I la la love you.
With this plastic cassette,
It’s not finished yet,
It’s gonna tell you slowly.

abruptly my head keeps on telling me, start things again slowly... Slowly... that was my mistake. I hadn't seen it before. I wish I could have waited for the kiss. Waited for "I love you." It all happened so fast.

Yet I don't really regret what happened, or how, just I wish I was smarter...

Love me for for who I am, not what I am, for the "what can always be better."

Simplistic complexity, take out the complex of emotion and start it over again.


Unseen complexities are a lie, because they're not there. Yet they are real only if you let them be.

Homemade covers, simple, unique, but more rustic... in the end those mix tapes play over again, a simple way of showing the stream lined approach to a history and friendship deeper than words and simply stated. Nothing is complex about it, just simple as I can simply say,

"Homemade covers are all I want, with rock and roll a little wilco here, john mayor there, nothing to much or out of reach. Just heart felt sincerity simplified over the trails that have made us who we are."

Now it's my turn...

I’ll be making you mixtapes with homemade covers.
Analog to show we’re lovers,
So much rock and roll love in a plastic case,
Play it loudly, see my face.
I’m just making you mixtapes with homemade covers,
Mazzy Star, Donovan’s Colors,
Just an audio love letter painted blue,
I spent all day making for you.


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