From the Daylight


Oh how i love it and i hate it at the same time

Running from the distance

Selling myself for less

May I spare the mercy from the mercy deep within?

Please don't leave me in the end

There's a light from within

Yet I resist it's influence

I hate the idea that I can feel again

From the daylight,

Oh, how I'm running from the daylight.

Somehow you know at the same time

That you and I are running from the same light

Subconsciously aware of 

Knowing it's all there.

Yet somehow running away from 

What we both can share.

Our pride is holding us hostage.

From the way we're been living

The constant lies we live in

All keeping us from the daylight we deserve.

We draw poison from the same vine

Running from the daylight

Lovin' the thoughts of how it could be.

From on my knee's 

Though standing at the same time.

Help me stand in the presence of 

The Light we share, and that thought of being happy again. 

How dare I dream of such an idea!

We drew poison from the same vine

Together in the same darkness

Yet spared from the idea of

That somehow we are victims of 

And that same fate of 

The many before us shared.

Running from the daylight.

Sharing in the same light.

You and I drawing from the same vine,

Somehow different from the same cliche's of

What we're used to 

What is out current common ground. 

Telling ourselves that

We are immune of the same fates of

The many before us. 

Somehow loving the same ways

Yet hating the thoughts of

But loving the feeling we both share.

We tell ourselves

Now is the last time!

Yet we miss the mark.

Oh Lord please don't forget me.

Remember that we love thee

We know you know us.

We beg from the distance 

Stay with me. 

Stay with us. 

Can we even find the daylight again?

Help me stand in its warmth again

Help me understand that I deserve it's warmth

Can I accomplish what I'm destined to achieve? 

I try to wash away the ever daunting past sins I've bared

Yet somehow, I can'r fully resist it 

The ever presence of you in my life

I'm on my knees again 

Help me find the way.. 

I love it and I hate it at the same time

Yet I need you in my life 

Hope I can, but please let me keep it this time.

I still believe. 


You are real,

You are there.


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