
Hope Dangles on a string, like soul spinning redemption, winding in and winding out, the shine of which has caught my eye...

Vindicated: To be free from guilt...

Knowing that you have done all you can, a clear conscious.

Say you miss me and that you want me. Fight for something greater than life and know that it is the greatest thing you could do for yourself.

It starts somewhere between midnight and one O'clock.
A feeling when you know you should do something yet you just can't put your finger on it. A thought a motive... Just say it already, quite running, quite hiding. Let your feelings out. Liberate your heart, free you mind of the whirlwind plaguing you.

Let it be known, don't hide in darkness, run to the light my only one.

Hope brought this to the point where I knew hope must carry on without one another, hoping that we could do better become more.

I never deserted you, just don't desert me.

Feel what you could lose, see it, don't give up, grip on then fight harder.

You are not alone, somewhere out there beneath the pale moon sky, somewhere between 1 and 2am you have one who has you always on his mind.

Just see it, what did you have? what could be given up?

Words of hope:

Don't give up, never give in, you are loved. More than you know...

Somewhere between midnight and 1 questions and thoughts twirled...

Somewhere between 1 and 2 you are loved, and always on my mind.



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