Turn around Bright Eyes

Somethings wont end, I still feel confused,
Once upon a time things were so clear, now I just don't know.

Screaming thoughts, and my restless heart can't contemplate a life without...
Standing by the one I love, man, why can't it be easier?
Don't I deserve easy?

Through I can't do this, as I am lost without you.
Can I have the joy of rediscovering a heart I once new so well.
Can't I have that heart smile again at the look of my gaze?

I still the one you've seen so much in.
You're still that one I've loved.
I can't get around this.
I'm still you're Bright Eyes.

You're Bright Eye's has that plan, to love you.
Faithfully, I can't stop...

Nothing can change the way I've loved you.
Sorry you've had a day alone, when you've hurt.

I'm here to hold you.
let me.

I'll stand by you, uplift you, show you the light...

Talk to me... what do you got to hide?
I know you.

The way back is...
Here before you.

Sorry its a repeating B-side,

But this B-Side knows what it longs for,
You're touch to guide it back to the right side...

Sorry for my mistakes, they haunt me. to the deepest darkest places of my soul.

I'll never desert you.
Let me, Let me, Let me...

Turn Around, Look at me,

I love you.

Enough said.


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