Onwards and Upwards

To the front, 
To the back,
To the highest of ups,
And the lowest of downs.
Having seen so much..

From heart break,
To career shattering losses.
To family deaths,
and losses of all kind.
Far from the end,
Yet not far from the goals,
To arrive and create some more.
Happy to just be,
Content in the peace found,
Content with deep conversations,
Connection to the deepest core.
Not needing much to be happy,
Yet to be driven, focused, and set.
Never willing to settle.
Never willing to strive for less than the hearts content. 
Focused on it all. 
Success on all levels,
and only stop growing when death reaches the door step.
Being willing to do whatever it takes,
Not shying down because it's easy to.

It's easy to talk a big talk when life has been easy.
That has passed years and years ago.
Having become so accustom to loss,
Nothing phases me at this point.

Yet never giving up,
and never giving in,
Is all I know.

It's time to live the higher forms of what life can offer,
Enjoy all moments,
Living in it, and about it.
Done taking everything so seriously.
It's time to lighten up,
Breath easier,
Live lighter.
Smiling for the sake of just doing so.

Giving because you can.
Loving, and never stopping. 
Trusting because you can.
Having boundaries as is healthy.
Choosing healthy over toxicity with everything.
An open mind,
But not willing to just fall for anything.
Knowing who you are,
Knowing your self worth.

I've learned that every heartache,
Every shattering experience,
Leaves you available to grow stronger,
Then stronger the next time around. 

Today I am here.
Stronger than the many days prior.
Stronger than I've felt for sometime.
To the next days ahead.
I'm happy to be alive. 
Happy to just be able to breath.
Yet I wont stop till I have it all.
And all is a lot to have. 


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