When you love somebody, A death by a thousand cuts.

A moment in time,
A blip of existence.
What is time?
What are relationships?
All are many tiny moments.
Shared time combined to make up a shared timeline.
The interconnection of energy and moments.
What is the purpose of it all?
If the end of those moments,
The end of that shared purpose,
If it's slowly fading from view.. 

Is it better to die by a thousand cuts?
Some may argue,
It's better to just let go,
save yourself from the pain.
Why fight?
What is there to save?

When you know,
It could be saved,
with just minor efforts made,
with just more tiny moments of care.
When did you become invisible?
When the other,
The grand connection of your existence,
has no clue what to say,
no idea what to do,
When you realize,
That most of your,
greatest and recent intimate moments shared,
happened bc you were the one making them happen,
and all they had to do was jump aboard..
Yet not really doing much,
other than to follow along...

Realizing that all is still there,
The beauty of you two. 
Yet it's slowly fading,
out of control,
out of reach..

It goes against the base nature of most,
but this is truth;
with many moments of fighting like hell,
Fighting to save,
Fighting to preserve,
Fighting for many more moments to share,
If you are the majority of the effort made,
If you're the one with the energy to move forward,
and that energy isn't reciprocated,
or, it's not replicated to your level,
That even with much gained,
Nothing will change.
A one man battle is just that.
You can't fight alone,
Not when it's a two person conflict.
Again, a thousand little cuts still bleed,
even at first there wasn't much to bleed from..

The sour reality is this:
Having done all you can do,
Making all of the efforts you can,
sometimes to love,
is to let go.

Mind you,
Not all loves are worth this.
Save it for the great ones.
Fight for them,
exert all the energy you can,
For great loves come every so often..

This still doesn't change this.. 
It's sad to see how oblivious one can be,
That after everything,
the circle comes around,
and it's as if nothing has changed for the other,
instead the complacency hurts more than you can put to words.
That selfishness trumps investment,
That words are all the effort that can be made.
Even that tends to be strained.. 

I guess I lied.
I did expect something.
Your heart.
Your actions,
Your word.
A new circle...

To love somebody,
it's hard to think about anything but to breath.
All your best laid walls,
Best laid plans,
Will go to shit. 
Just hope when they do,
The person who let them down,
Is brave enough,
aware enough,
strong enough,
to fully take those moments with you.
Not straddle those moments of in-between.
With one foot in it, the other out.

For I promise you this.
The moments of in-between
is almost worst than a single moment for a goodbye.

At least that way you have a clear expectation.
A clear road to go down...
I'll say this.
For me,
It's always better to know,
that your moments have never been wasted,
That you fought for your shared purpose,
Fought for your interconnection of shared energy.
That you laid it all on the line.
Even if I may eventually die by a thousand cuts,
At least I'll know,
I did all I could.
For grand moments of moments shared,
For those moments had, 
Are worth fighting for.


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