For now is only a moment.

A moment,
A breath,
A look,
A touch,
A kiss,
An embrace.
A moment to skip a beat,
A moment to have it all.

It only took such,
To start a new.

Though love is but a whisper,
Through your embrace I can imagine what it might be,
How it could be. 
Slowly falling,
Easily falling,
For you,
For that moment,
and for the what ifs.

What if this is real?
What if this could be a thing?
What if we could shatter then rebuild our lives?
What if you stole my heart?
What if I took yours?
What if this is the time?
What if now?
What if it was true...

A shift in energy,
A shift in desire.
A desire for something acted upon,
A desire for something shared. 
A desire to face our fears,
and to jump together. 

That though now is only a moment,
And a moment we may only have.
At least I dreamt,
At least we felt.

Too soon,
Too far gone?
Not soon enough.

What if your face became the face in the crowd?
That out of a thousand people I'd see you first,
and only you.
You'd hold my eye,
You'd hold my desire,
Only you would have my heart,
What if?
What if this was true?

Maybe a moment's to soon,
Yet a moment isn't soon enough.
What if it were true?
What if...
What if??

I'd love you till the lights go out,
I'd love you though the darkest of nights.
You'd be the only face I see,
The only face I'd care about.

Nothing could stop us,
We'd have it all,
Not because we have to try,
But because it is.
If only, 
But what if?
What if.. 


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