To you, not that long ago

Most stories starts similarly,
Most/ many end in a similar ways.
But you... Me.. 
I've never walked this walk before.
At times I want to shoot to the moon and back,
Shout from the rooftops my love for you,
Others, I want to pull my hair out,
I've said many curses alone,
Ha! you are a wild one, and I love it.

Yet for you,
To you I'd have it all.
For the better,
To the better,
I want to go.
Rewrite the stars,
The paths I've once walked,
I'm tired of the mundane,
Tired of the rut.
But you,
You my dear, are everything..
The better,
The best.
The Ups and even downs,
I'm grateful for them all.
With you I hope to be the best,
and arrive at the better.
We've had many dynamics we've treaded through,
and here we are.
Connected like two peas in a pod,
Magnetic forces that keep us coming back,
Passion to light a forest fire,
Ever trying to be improve,
Ever working on ways to be better,
Not willing to let go,
and never to quit.
I love you,
You love me.
To me, this is how love should be. 
Easy in all the right ways,
Hard when it comes to getting to know you part.
The part that comes before accepting one another.
Whatever the outcome is Jac,
I can truly say that I've loved you as passionately as I've ever been able to,
That you and I have shared so many incredible moments together,
I teary eyed at the thoughts of them. 

So to you,
The one and only.
Thank you for being in my life.
Thank you for accepting me as is,
but also wanting me to be a better version of myself.
Let's be thankful for tonight,
Let's be grateful we have each other.
Let's be better tomorrow.
I will keep working for you,
I will show you what I'm made of.
For this is what love is..


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