
Have you ever wondered what it felt like?
To have someone Chase you?
Want you?
Do anything for you?
I've had it for spurts,
Yet now it's full of I cants 
And I wont.
So no worries,
it wasn't me tonight,
But I'll be more than okay,
eventually I'll find what it is I'm looking for.
Maybe it could be you,
But I guess it's left to that.
I don't know,
and red flags.. 

So someday,
I'll find someone.
Someone who will say "I can" whenever she feel's I can't. 
Someone who will choose you first,
before anyone else,
Someone to think of you,
and to be with you,
Be happy at the thoughts,
Share in the moments
Believe, and stand by you.
Where Passion is ever plenty,
Where Goodbyes are but a formality.

It'll be somebody who steps up,
instead of coming with reason why not.
Someone to not only match, but to exceed the efforts you can give.
Not because she's keeping track,
but because she just does.
All I know is this,
Love was never lacking,
all the things.
But it wasn't enough..
I get it,
I get you.
But sometimes I wish you weren't so predictable. 
It's easier to be this way.
To choose you, over anything else.
But why can't you be us?

Maybe this time around was too much,
Maybe someday it can be?
Who knows?
It is tough though,
You did walk away,
At least we could agree on that.

In the end, whatever the end is,
we all have our reasons. 
We all have our choices.
At least now you've made yours.

Just please understand that I can't look at you without wanting more,
Without imagining that girl I've loved,
The girl I'd have done anything for,
been through anything with,
Shared everything with,
Had fun during the darkest of times,
Brought joy during the darkest of hours.. 
The girl I see first before everyone else.
Hell, I wont take any of it back.
Grateful for it all.
But You want to be alone,
You drew that line,
and me? I have to much respect for myself than not to respect that.
I can't and shouldn't have to convince you to stay.

So for now,
You'll be a Morgan Walen song,
With these memories and a dream.
Thank you for all of them.
Thank you for you.
Someday I pray that you Can,
and no longer Can't.
That you can remember that in me you had/ have a support system.
A friend,
A Love,
A confidant,
Your person,
A dream and a world. 
So maybe someday,
Maybe not at all.
Either way,
thank you.
And maybe I'll even thank you for driving away...
At least I can count on one thing...
You are/ have been predictable... 


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