Gorgeous and Alone
He's a stranger to some and a vision to none He can never get enough, get enough of the one For a fortune, he'd quit but it's hard to admit. He can't ever admit, the larger problems which sits... If he could just sit, and change what exists. The heart of it all, the exits that could have been the balm, the cure... Knowing the hurt from the beginning, if only... "The fundamental problem We all need to face This is important But I know you're not listening" Could I have known the hurt before the entrances took? "With no larger problems That need to be erased Nothing more important than to know Someone's listening" If only I had listened, But now, I just feel. The hurt inside, the pain of what I know. Heaven knows, God sees... Letting it out, seeing the good plan. Helping the hurtful heart become whole. Only few can salve the bleeding out. Only God can mend this hurtful heart that has become my own. "Someone's listening Now I know You...