The Standard

A standard,

A myth,

Wanted from the outside,

Shunned from the inside.

A place you hold yourself to,

A place you desire to be,

An obscure measurement,

Yet known to you.

As you seek what you desire.

So many times we unrealistically aim high,

Or we don’t even aim at all.

But all along,

Our standard is just an extension of,

The energy we put out there.

And regardless of what we think we want,

Energy draws like energy,

And at the end of it all,

You will attract,

The energies of where you’re at.

Your shortcomings,

Mental aptitude’s, 




Fundamental damages,

And unaware flaws.

These things will effect,

Whether we like it or not,

The many types of people we invite into our space. 

So on a subconscious level,

We won’t be able to elevate passed,

Ceilings we placed for ourselves.

So try this.

Before you seek intimate physical affection,

Emotional connectivity,


Work on yourself.

Look around you to the people who,

By chance may actually be,

In a better place and gravitate there.

Lean on those people who hold you dear.

In most instances,

There’s not much you have to change about yourself,

Just take the time to heal your soul,

Change the way you perceive what you see around you. 

Be kind to yourself,

Allow yourself to heal.

Focus on being happy,

Those people who bring it into your life,

Not just in instances,

But consistently. 

Seek healthy.

Seek people who,

On a fundamental level,

Are good for you,

Shun those people who take from you,

They who steal the best parts of you,

They who won’t give you what you deserve.

Most people are eons better,

Than the invisible limits,

They place on themselves.

Don’t settle for a you who’s at 50%.

Healing/ improving, may not be easy.

But by God it’s worth it. 

And most of the time,

The paradigm shift you need,

Is really only a few cognitive decisions,

Or choices away.

Decide now that you won’t settle.

Decide now that you seek peace and own it.

Draw a line with your self worth. 

Choose they who uplift always,

Invest as much as you can,

Who build instead of take.

Limit/ root out all toxicity out of your personal space. 

Learn how to cope healthily.

Learn how to not numb out,

But to face what ever is in front of you.

And remember.

You are a million.

You’re not alone in this.

You have a support group,

Seek them,

Or seek someone.

Put your desires out in the universe,

And let that energy pull into your life,

The people who can elevate you to the next stage to level up. 

And at the end of it all,

When doors close, while others may not have quite yet opened,

Be true to yourself. 

You will find fulfillment there.

You will find exactly what you’re looking for,

You will find the happiness and peace you’ve desired for so long. 


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