A Cool Breeze

A cool breeze,
The warmth of sunlight on your face,
Wind in your hair,
Arms stretch out horizontally,
The water ripples,
The sound of fish jumping.
The sun hasn't quite set,
But it's getting later in the day.
The week is finally over,
Here you are.
Laying stretched out in the grass,
You're at peace,
You're at one with yourself.
Nothing will take this feeling away.
You're not anxious here,
You're not in your head,
Just you and your happy place.
You close your eyes,
Clear your mind,
and let it take off. 
It's been a long time since you've been here,
But it's there,
That inner fire,
That inner calmness,
The inner peace.
You're exactly where you need to be,
Doing exactly what you need to be doing.
You are loved.
You are Cherished,
For once you don't have any questions there,
For once you feel like you deserve it.
You push away any inner daemons that try's to take it away.
You find that inner resolve,
That inner strength.
You can do this,
This thing we call life.
You're confident for the sake of just being so. 
You have hope,
Hope that has been gone for what seemed like decades...
You're here.
At one with yourself,
at one with God, your own inner spirituality.
You have at your fingertips, all you've ever wanted.
For once, you have no doubts,
As even the doubts you could have had,
You've let them all go.
As you know you're going in the right direction.
You just do.
You believe in your inner strength,
With that, there's no need to fear,
For once you just trust.
Let everything else go,
And just be. 

Every moment more,
This get's easier.
It's a constant effort,
But gradually it sticks naturally,
You're putting your energies in what matter most,
and not compromising on it.
How amazing is this feeling?
How amazing life can be.
Regardless of all the things that could drag you down,
Toxicity will only seep in if you let it.
You wont give it that power, so it wont.
So as the days continue forward,
So does your faith,
your strength,
Your inner ability to stay this way.

I have a way,
For me, it comes from above.
The source of all things good and wholesome in this world.
To him I'll send my praise,
To him I'll give my heart.
As it's in good hands.
Thank you for guiding me,
though wandering as I may,
You've always watched out for me. 


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