Free Spirit

The Sky is yours,
Oh pretty bird,
Fly, Fly fast, fly free.
The limitations of your life,
The limitations of mind,
They don't apply to you.

Pretty bird,
The ocean is beneath you,
Don't fall now,
Fly free,
Fly fast.
Fly through the mist of the waves crashing,
the misty rain on your face.
Close your eyes,
Feel its aura.
Life is how you choose to see it,
Not what the unwanted neighbor of your mind dictates. 

Pretty bird.
Fly free,
Fly home.
Oh you pretty bird,
You beautiful soul.
Fly home to where your heart is,
Lose the bounds you've placed in your mind,
They never should have ever been there to begin with.
The world is yours for the taking,
Only look back to take those you love with you.
You don't have to erase everything,
to become more,
Just free your mind,
and be kind to yourself.
Create the type of relationships you want,
instead of running from self created pressures,
or stress. 

Pretty bird,
Fly free,
Fly fast,
Let your life become all you've wanted,
You're not far now,
You were never far to begin with.
Your life is yours to create.
Let the wind blow your hair,
Let the warmth of the sun,
warm your soul.

Pretty bird,
You beautiful soul.
There's so much to you,
So much to love,
See yourself,
See your beauty.
Everyone else does.
So fly free,
and fly fast.
Experience life,
Let it evolve to everything you've wanted,
Just remember you don't have to erase,
To create a new. 

Pretty bird,
my love,
my heart.
The wind is underneath you now,
Those you love,
are all around.
you were there all along.
All you had to do,
was to see life differently.
Acquire that paradigm shift.
It's amazing how,
All you've ever wanted,
has always been right in front of you.


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