There’s a darkness upon me that’s flooded in light

With the fine print that tells me what’s wrong and what’s right

There’s a darkness inside me that fights with my light

Sometimes you are blind.

Most of the time you refuse to see, but It’s been there this whole damn time.

Take a bow,

Realize it.

Deal with it.

Let it consume you,

To then throw it away.

Take your time to deal,

Take this time to feel.

Something is wrong with you,
But it’s okay.

It’s normal for all you’ve been through,
What you’ve Dealt with. 
Surprisingly you’re still standing.

Let yourself fall,

To then, pick yourself back up.

That’s okay,
It had to happen sometime.

Let it happen on your watch.


You have the control over you.

You have been shrouded in the darkness of others projections, yet you allowed it.

Accept it.

Move from that anger, to the acceptance.

You have been weak,

Yet that’s okay, everyone is from now and again.

Doesn’t make you that way permanently.

The strong are strong bc they have accepted it all about them, they just did it faster than the others around them.

Be that person.

But to be that person you also need to accept the harshest realities of yourself.

That’s if you have any hope or desire to change and to be better.

You are better than yourself, rather it’s been years or months.

You can still do this and be that.

Just heal.
Just breath.

But let yourself feel.
Let yourself feel.

And for God’s sake...

Stop running.


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