
I've been standing in it so long,
I can't tell whats normal or not,
Is it normal?
The flames...
Have you been on fire this whole time?
Have I become that numb?

You have.
And you didn't even know it.
There's not much left of you.
The you, the you had back then.
That memory of before.
when life was good,
when life was clear..

You didn't let yourself heal,
You didn't let yourself feel enough,
You thought better than the clear and present reality.
You thought you knew.
You thought you were okay.

You were't.
You weren't ready for the hell that became,
The Hell you cant see outside of.

Are you just going to stand there?
You didn't even know you were in it.

Lying... What are you even lying about?
Stop it.

Be you.
What are you?
Do you even know anymore?

Stop lying.
Lying to yourself,
Or lying to others...
It's all a blur now,
the blur of reality and wishful thinking.
The sad part is? You don't even care anymore.
You just want to survive.

Just Surviving is all you've been doing
It's been so long, you've lost feeling.

Be there.
In your mind you're doing it for her,
The meaning of you're life,
yet you know it's so horrible,
So horrible,
Yet you justify it.
She does't deserve life as it will be,
It's not her fault,
But why??
How did it get so bad.
The reasons blurred into a haze.

You thought you knew better,
You thought you could handle it,
You handled,
But you were't strong enough.
It hit you to hard.

Now you have to heal.
Now you have to feel.
Let yourself.
You're safe,
You can break,
It's okay now.
Let it out.

You can again.
Open up the repressed..

Pick yourself back up.
You can do this.

You can be better.
Make that choice,
Do it for you,
Yet, sublimely do it for her.
She deserves a better you.

So it begins.


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