True consistencies.

One of life's consistent truths,
Is that you can mess up as many times as you want to.
You can consistently chose to fail - nobody will stop you.
If you'd rather quite than move forward,
You're the regulator of how your life with progress.

You decide your own fate.
You chose.

I know this,
As I've done it.
I've fallen flat on my face more times than I care to admit.
There have been time when I just didn't care anymore.

Through it all,
It was still in the hands of my savior.
Even with my many mistakes,
And My consistent blunderings.
He still had my back.

And at the end of the day,
I just needed to let go.
And start with the one good choice.
That would lead to many others.

It's neat -
The concept of unconditional love.
Can anyone match it?
Or even comprehend a love without any bounds or limits?
That's the love of our savior.

I see how it's made manifested in my own life.
I see it with the little angels he sends into my life.
And the opportunities that arise.
Even during the hardest of moments.
And the paths he asks me to travel...

The choices,
And how he inspires me to change.

I think it's here.
That choice.
I feel it.

It could change my life.
It could send me down a path I haven't yet traveled.
I think I will do it.
It's not what I thought it would be.
But I think it's what needs to be.
And I will be happy.
Eternal happiness.


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