Life moves on...

Life moves on..

We can't fully control when we leave this world.
Nor are we entirely the masters of our own ships.
Outside of our best efforts,
Is a divine hand guiding us.
Moving us along...

God knows where we're headed,
Amid the paths we are to cross.
It's in his hands, not always ours..

I'm a firm believer that we are the master of our own destinies..
We steer the ships of life,
But even after we do our part in all things,
we can't fully control anything...

God knows our beggining from the end.
The end from the beggining.

In the grand scheme of things -
It's up to us to be our best selves..

Strive to hit our potentials'.
And to be happy.
for the next life is a paradise compared to here.
A place we should all want to go when it's our time.

I'm so happy to know,
That God won't leave us alone in this walk we call life.
Because I need his help..

Whether we lose a loved one,
Or draw close to a hell,
We aren't alone.
In sadness or misery.
We will be taken care of.

Let us pay back our savior,
With love,
And an eye single to his kingdom and his glory..
Let us love others,
Let us give ourselves to the blessings of others.

For that is his way.
For this time is a time for men to prepare To meet God...


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