A new year.

How do you measure a year?
The days as they move by,
And those nights as they drag on...

How does one depict if their last year of life was worth anything?
Was it fulfilled?
Was it worth every minute of everyday?

The question that rings true in my mind -
Have I wasted the time God gave me to breath?
Am I making the right decisions?

How do you measure a year exactly?
525600 minutes is the time exactly.
What guide is there?

I'll first take the advice of this song.
Relationships built.
Moments spent with those you cherish most.
Experiences, trials waded through, friendships mended...
How many times have you told someone that you love them?
Are you happy?
Be happy - the year, your life, is to short not to be.

Measure life by who you are,
And how you feel at the end of each day.
You don't have to be this God-like apparatus type of a person,
But you do have to measure up to who you believe you should be.

Remember that Through the eyes of our creator,
We are nothing but remarkable.
Every person from every different back ground.
One of the great beauties of life is that we're all so unique,
Different, and specified to "us".

We all come from so different a back ground.
Written and wrote by us,
Our hands pen each moment of our existence.
We each stand as a beautiful reminder,
That we can chose greatness in this life,
Or we can settle for mediocrity.

It would behoove all to remember this..
Let us love, let us cry,
Let us be a friend,
Let us stand for something,
Let us forgive,
Let us do these things.

So that at the start of a new year,
We can look back and say.
"I did a damn good job."


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