Young life.

Right now,
I don't want to know your past,
Just want to see the present.

I'm sure you've been around the block a bit,
But what matters to me is that you say,
And are, who you've said you are.

This is fun,
Kinda want to admit,
I like this place,
And Like the view from here?

There's nothing you can say,
That would differ me from this road,
I'm walking.

I kinda like you,
It's not that I don't want to know,
The past you've walked,
More or less,
Let's just get to know each other.

You are a complex,
And deep individual,
But for now,
Let's keep talkin,
Just me and you.

I want to get to know you.
Wanna see the person,
I am looking at.

I want to admit,
You're kinda pretty much gorgeous,
Good start,
But honestly?

There are many of gorgeous women.
What matters is the person you are,
The person you can become,
And if you're the person I could love,
It All depends on if I can see and get to know you.

Like I said - it all depends on you.
I won't settle for less than fireworks.
I dot care about the people around,
I care about you,
Opening up to me,
Let's give it time,
But remember,

I care not so much for what's on the outside,
But the person who resides underneath.


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