Lost Control

Carried away by the thought,
Lost in the moment of excitement.
Sometimes you just can't help it.

But now it is to late,
You've lost control now,
You cant really change it.

You came across as to easy?
And a bit to needy.
I don't like either,
Neither does she.

Life's to short to worry that much,
Sure she was awesome in every way,
But there are more to find,
Take a chill pill,
Take some cough syrup,
Lose you're edge.

There will come the time,
When you learn to be a bit more chill.
Be it,
And be okay with the way things play out.

What i want, is
What you want -
A person who can invest what you can,
A person to stand by you?

Look for a person who cares,
A person who will be honest,
And not play games.
Drama never helped,
Only pushes away.

A person who stands out,
Can laugh about anything,
Can make a funny face out of no where,
A Person who is mature,
But childlike at the same time.

I want someone who is better than me.

Don't fret about losing control,
Don't fret about being vulnerable,
It happens to the best of us,
Timing is everything my friend.

Thank the lord for the experience,
Thank fate for intervening,
It could have gotten ugly.

Take cough syrup my friend,
And calm down.


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