
Gratuity -

Paying a tip for service -
10% standard,
15% for services worth mentioning,
20% and up for those who truly stand out.

So for friendship..
Can we tip for a helping hand?
Can we honestly pay back a friend?
To that person who was there through the tears?
Through the moments of hardship?

There is no price tag to friendship,
No "tip" after a leant hand.
But honest caring is,
A mark of a true friend.

Can we really mean a "thank-you?"
Can we truly mean "any time you need me?"
Do we care?
Would we inconvenience ourselves?
Like our friend did?

Some people just give,
Some people are just self less,
Some people are just good friends.
They care, because they do.
No rhyme or reason behind it.

They'll give because love is their motive.

To the friends I've known and know -

I love you, without you my life, life wouldn't be the same.
You all have helped me become the person I am today.
There aren't enough words to portray,
The gratitude I feel,
Just because I've known you.
You will always be considered my friend.
No matter where the roads have and will take us.


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