He walked before us...

There is a place where we all must go,
A place so dark and lonely we wonder, "why?"
Desolation is left in its wake.

We are a lone now,
Helpless and on our own..
The 100 reason's why not,
Were misconstrued with the games our mind plays.

Hope is dangling,
hurt stings,
Pain leaves us paralyzed.
Dreams are tainted,
Our Lives shattered...

Does anyone feel what I do?
Can anyone relate to the empty void resonating in my breast?
Questions in our minds...

Yet wasn;t there one who walked before us?
The masked one,
The unseen and hated one.

Our brother has felt the pains,
He's walked our paths,
when we've been helpless and alone.

He knows the depth of our sorrow,
he knows the length of the path we are walking on.
he knows where the light is at the end of the tunnel.

As we trust in his arm,
he will share our burdens,
he will lift the chains holding us to the ground.

All we need to do is hope,
believe in him,
love him as he loves us.

We are not alone.
There is one who loves us above anyone else.
In his suffering, we find our strength.

For I know the depth of our pain, the dark, desolate paths before us...

they all have been traveled before.
he the selfless one.
Our older brother knows,
he will never abandon us in our sufferings.

Just believe,
and pray.


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