A dose of Sero-tonin

I don't have time for the games,

I'll cut to the chase. 

If I had a dollar for every time I thought of you

I'd be rich for just the thought of you.

The face of someone I can't stop thinking about,

The smile of someone I'd live to make smile

A laugh I can't help to join in on. 

I can't keep you out of my mind

I can't help it

I'll tone it down, 

Is this real?

Can it be real?

I hold myself back

I stop myself before

California waves on my mind

California dreaming.. 

Your sun-kissed face

Your hand in mine,

This is too good to be true

I've been down this road before

I can't go in yet

But damn

Could I. 

I'll keep this in check

I don't think you're for

I don't think I'm ready for

When I'm in,

I'm in. 

You're my 10 out of 10

The only one I'd need

A place for you to land

A heart for you to hold

This scares me shitless

But I'll keep my cool

And show you, me shirtless

It's this game we play

Till the first time we kiss

and the world stops 

with just the thought of it.

California waves

California Breeze

You had me with your laugh

Your smile

Talking to you for hours

Why were we here again?

For you


Can I trust you? 

I'll pray I can  



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