Washed Away

As a new day starts,

A new world awaits
Away from the past that holds
Away from what kept you hostage
To the venues of what's to come
To the new energy that aligns
Once decided
There's no looking back
As it's no longer apart of you

New people will come
Old people will go
Either they choose to match your new energy
Or they will fall out of your space
As the place you now hold
Won't align with what you once held

To that
Calm your mind
That the recesses of once was
No longer lay claim to your heart

You choose to decide
You choose to wonder
You choose to hope
What if you can again?
What if you weren't where you are?
What if you could?
How would it be?
You're now unlocking the power of the unknown
And the new will come into your life again
Rather from the past you let go of
Or from the new you aren't yet aware of 
Be open to it all
Not that you need to
But because you can.
For if you cut one thing short,
Other possibilities will follow suite.
Be calm
Your soul, heart will recognize 
What to draw in
What to let go of
And what to keep

See the many layers of possibilities
Open up your new life

No longer fearing to be alone
You aren't alone
No longer needing companionship
You find companionship
No longer hung up on
Or caught up in
You're able to wash away the layers of shame
Guilt, anxieties, and dependancies.
You become
The master of your own ship
The dictator of your own future
The allower of your own progression
You can finally step outside the wheel
That never ending trap you found yourself in
To the best day's that lay ahead
The unwarranted that becomes warranted

To unbridled passions
With new creations
You're inspired again
Not by any living soul
But by the inner fire that rules you
You're able to conquer it all
Become the version of you
You only dreamt

Let the torrents of this new world 
You're putting your self in 
This new direction you now feel
The new day you're welcoming in
Wash away the chains of the past
Wash away the pain
The hurt, the anger,
The despair.
Let this new torrent welcome you in

Become your creation
Become the new you
Become, Limitless 

                    Washed Away...


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