Becoming, not become. A beautiful pain.

I’ve become.
I’ve become, a thought in the wind,
A voice trailing, a whisper.

I’ve become.
A person running,
My new MO. 
Will I let myself cry today?
Or will I fake it…

I will.
A heart beats.
My heart, this heart…
It broke,
a million pieces,

I’m okay with it though.
I’ve learn pain.
I’ve learn loss.
Now it’s about how.
How to get through.
The void,
Black and bleak.
Cold, oh so cold. 

Learning how to fix this head of mine,
Learning how to rewrite my habits,
Facing it, face to face,
Time after time.
Only time can heal these kind of wounds.

Every day you learn something new,
Ever so subtle,
yet ever so profound.
The power of just moving forward.
Steady and sure,
a summer’s breeze.

Until it comes -
That beautiful pain,
You smile.
A smile that you made it,
allowed yourself through it,
the worst has passed, and here you are.
Smiling for no reason,
Listening to your favorite song.
The Darkness of your soul has dissipated,
You did it.
It wasn’t anything special,
outside of you, sticking to you.
Yet you chose to say goodbye,
to heal and grow.
You stopped running,
and you became. 

You figured it out.
Yet, so subtle it was,
Most people would have overlooked it,
Many have, many did.
But not you.

That smile,
that summers breeze,
Only someone like you would have felt it,
Only someone who knows the deepest darkest pain,
Can truly recognize this peace.
Here you are,
You have arrived. 

It was good enough.
You would’t have chose this,
But this was your cross to bear,
You bore it.
You made it.


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