And the Days go on
There is a fundamental reason why things are what they are, Why life will continually suck, Or why life may Be awesome. There's no such thing as: "it's just supposed to be that way," "Or there's nothing you can do." It's easy to get carried away with the uncontrollable's compared to the controllable's, yet at the end of the day, if you have no idea why things are the way they are, then it's time to gain some perspective. I've been carried away with the excuses, and the should haves and the what if's. Even when I've done all I could do, I'd still fail at the overall goal. Why is that? I've become bitter, and resentful Repressed and Angry. I've come up with reason after reason of why things happened the way it did. But completely over look the core of it all. I've become okay with people feeling sorry for me, rather than stepping forward and fight. So what is it? why has things been this...