Hey you.

how are you?
Crazy huh?
How two strangers can meet,
then open up to one another.

That person I see,
The person I am getting to know,
well... we could use this.
To help each other,
and grow stronger.

I'm vulnerable.
That much is sure...
My heart has been stripped bare to many times..
I don't know what to do at this point.
I feel safer by myself,
yet, how can I progress and become a better me,
If I won't at least try.

I won't give up,
It's not in my nature.

The person I see
that person you are,
can be worth it.
I hope it is.

I appreciate you.
Your story,
that history,
It's made be stronger...
Just hearing it.

I'm glad I know you.
You're right,
you are pretty awesome.


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