A new door.

A new day, a new beginning. 

Appreciating the past for what it is.
Accepting the outcomes. 

I am a better person now, than before. 
More empathetic than I've ever been, 
My sights are on the future. 

Gearing up for possibilities. 
I'm excited to cross that finish line, 
to have new and better opportunities arise. 

This is my time, 
and I won't pass it up. 
God as my witness, 
I will not stop till I can't walk, 
I won't give up till it's over, 
And won't shut up till I've said my peace.

I done compromising, 
I know who I am,
and I will fight for what I deserve. 

Life isn't meant for mediocrity.
But for endless opportunities, 
and attained goals. 

Someday I will have it all, 
but for now,
I am happy with what I have. 
People have far less, 
and sometimes less is more. 

So for now, 
This is my path, 
and my focus. 
Driven as I've ever been, 
I will accomplish this dream of mine. 
My gait is set, 
my motives are correct, 
My path is straight. 
God is with me,
and I with him. 

This is it..
For now. 


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