To you - my secrets hold firm

To you I'll give my Everything,
To you I'll give my mind and all that comes with it.

To you I could give my heart,
wrapped with velvet lace.
I could give you the time of your life,
full of sunshine and blue skies.
Even better, plenty of whatever,
You name it, we'll do it.

I'm ready for more,
one way or another.
Let's make the magic continue,
Let's keep the spark alive.

I'll tell you now,
That I can love you,
with all of my heart.
I wouldn't hesitate,
nor apologize.

I'll give you my everything,
I'll give you my dreams,
and make your dreams come true.

We'll cover the bumps,
and move passed the downs.
We'll complete one another,
turn the world upside down,
and create love.

Whatever the cost is,
rather its the burden a couple vices,
or personality flaws. nothing can change,
That I think the world of you.

Lets do this,
Shall we?


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