The heart of war

In the art of war, there will always be two victors.
The better of the two opponents
- the strongest, most talented, spirited, and quickest will win.
Those with true grit, with
True devotion to their cause willcome out on top..

It's never fair yet always assured.
Yet truly their aren't any victors in war.
Just lucky bloaks who get their way.

All is laid on the line,
Hopes, dreams, loves, could all come crashing to one end.

Yet war is a must.
Life is an evil place.
Evil people will strive to tear down that which is good.

As the heart of war is found,
Pick the better side.
Stay close to those who love you.
Hold their hands,
And assure them that their nut alone.
Everyday is a fight.
Everyday is start to another finish.

Fight for the right to live.
Seize the day.
Stand and not fall.

In love, want more.
Want and get.
Fight for what is wanted.
Live for every moment.

If you want more love,
Just say it.

The heart of war,
Is but an ideal.
Make it your own,
And let it blossom.

Don't be afraid of the uncertain,
Bask in the light of opportunity.
Find your heart,
Then create your war.
Dont back down.

If we only the heart to try.

Let it be known.
My war has started.
My heart has been found.
I've been beat up and bruised up.
But I'm far from quitting.
Far from giving up.

My sights have been set.

This is war.


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