"Love was a promise made of smoke"

"Like a snake within the wilted garden wall
I’d hint to her every possibility
While with his gun the pagan angel rose to say
"My love is one made to break every bended knee""

It's interesting to think, that you can't change certain event. Just like one who tries to chose the one he loves.

I laugh at the thought that some people just try to hard. What's the point? Do your part, then in the end if it happens, it would.

Sometimes you just can't control the way things end, nor can you prevent certain endings. Only God knows the way things ought to be, and how they will end up.

You can't let the world tell you how things ought to be. You must be yourself, wake up to the moment, jump when the opportunity arises to jump. Don't fool yourself in believing anything but whats in front of your face. Don't make believe a world, just be realistic then be true to yourself.

The way things are, is the way things were meant to be. I'm grateful to have some sort of guidance in store. I'm thrilled to think that I'm not alone in this walk we call existence. I know that you're here to hold my hand, every step of the way. You'll be there to show me the way.

Thanks for the time, thanks for your heart, thanks for your thoughts.

I know time will move by, and life will spin on. Keep to a pace, and believe it all the way through.

Stand by me, I'll hold your hand, I'll see you. Let's promise to one another, these things wont end. I wont stop.

"Love was a promise made of smoke
In a frozen copse of trees
A bone cold and older than our bodies
Slowly floating in the sea..."


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