Somthin’ More

The time came

The time is.
1 moment that lead to a 1000 and 1
A skip of a heart beat

That look in your eyes

That smile behind the words

You could sit with anyone

Yet you’re sitting with me

You noticed the man I am

How other people responds to me

How even in a room with 1000’s of people

You're still the apple of my eye

What I can bring

"How I am"

What I am

Who I am



Listening more

Talking less.

It shocked you

Yet didn’t surprise me

It became a night for firsts

An awakening of sorts for you

To something you thought was closed

You left to keep a sane mind

Yet wished you had stayed

You couldn’t get enough of me

We were drawn together

We almost sang this song together

Instead I walked you to your car... 

And you couldn’t put a finger on it.

I did get a bit swept away in it.

You can’t blame me though,

As I had wanted that night to happen 

for sometime.

What it was for me was knowing that, 

You finally you saw me differently.

That now you know

We still have it. 

And that I know

You can’t just overlook it anymore

Even if it's swept to the back of your mind.

It seemed easier for you to look passed that night

As you’re still there

Yet we had that night

That night is why we shouldn't overlook

The chance of what,

Could be.


I get it’s still easier for you to look

At what’s in front of you

And the past of me,

still weighs in

And I know you still struggle with it.

Yet we still had that night

You can’t change it.. 

For a little over a week afterwards

I still had you

In sickness I lost My mind

That played into it

For I couldn't get out of my head

So along with bad timing

The overall outcome came..

For it didn’t take long for

You to match again

And repeat the process of..

Yet, oh yet

We still had that night

And though now

You seem to be on a path where

You can’t rationalize an us.

You still want me in your life

For you crave how I make you feel

You long for the intimacy found in my embrace

You need the peace found with me in your life

You need the friendship found

In the un-judgmental sounding board

You have in me

And the many more things

That have kept us

In each other’s life.

I know you’ve resorted to

Alternative sources of

What you can have in Me. 

It seems like

You’re back to rationalizing the “why you can’t”

With me

Or maybe it’s just to avoiding the thoughts of

“Why we can.”

But yet, oh yet

We still had that night 

That night of firsts

The night that meant something

In a way you’ve not seen me

In sometime.

And I’ll tell you now

It wasn’t easy to look passed

Well it’s still not easy to conceptualize why we’re down this road again

Even while in separate states..

But girl,

I’ve accepted what is

And though a part of me wants to

I don’t have any hard feelings

At the end of the day

It’s still you

That crazy girl who’s become my best friend

On every level

That girl I know better than

I’ve ever known anyone

And though I have to look passed that night

To accept the now.

I still catch myself daydreaming

What transpired that night

I can’t help but to smile knowingly

And to crave more of that night

So even with our dreams on the horizon

And the future clouded 

I still want you ask yourself these questions:

What if the we made the timing better?

What if you had come back home?

Where would we be right now?

How many dates would we have been by now?

How many plans would have already been made?

Most importantly, 

How much happier you could be now, 

Had we built from that night? 

Regardless of what may never happen,

As I say this for you

There's truth in the uncertainty of the present

I am still happy

That at least there are still these questions

Hanging in the cosmos 

That no longer can you hide behind

As we're passed the certainty of nothing ever. 

So Darlin’ 

I can’t love you more than you will let me

Though unconditional I feel

Yet for myself, I’ve got to keep it in check 

While you remain in this state, or maybe that's how I can,

Stay in this place with you..


We still had that night.

Damn, wasn’t it somethin.’ 

You Beautiful Crazy..


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