What I know

The future's looking brighter.
As possibility's round the corner
And maybe now is only for a moment
A moment's are always sooner than I care for. 
Yet the connection I feel
It draws on me
It's all I seem to feel

I can't shake it
I can't look passed it
Someday I'd say
Other days I just might

That even as we try as we may
Barriers  always seem to be in the way.
How easy it is to forget 
It's always as easy as a choice
A mindset of our choosing
Limiting ourselves to the habit of doing so
Or choosing to create new habits and rise above it.
The timing's been off
When timing is only a situation we create
I'm ready
I'm not ready
a change in a word
as easily as pressing enter
Enter into a new situation
A new world
A place where limitless is the norm
Where breathlessness happens 
every time we get to hold each other
It's a choice to stay
A choice you can make
It's easier than you could imagine.

I can't shake it
I can't look passed it
Someday I'd say
Other days I just might..

What is the difference of yes to no?
Of making up your mind?
Or choosing to allow in?
It's the literal choice of doing so. 
Proof or knowledge there of only can go so far.

Tired of feeling the lack thereof 
Not the lack of the depth of a connection
But the idea that being held back is the norm
As it's the choice of not allowing
As it's the easier option

The highest form of yes
Is that of understanding your greater self
Seeing how much you are worth
Then choosing someone that will only enhance it.
Taking it all in
Then letting it wash over you.
Soak in it's warmth
Bask in it's light
I've found that in myself
How wonderful it is.

Honestly for me?
I just want someone I can say:
I like you
and know it can be reciprocated.
Reaching out and grabbing your hand,
Knowing it's more
A kiss that speaks truth's
Physical connection 
Intimacy that lasts
Confident in the place I hold in their heart. 

I won't settle for less
I won't move passed what is deserved
Today I say
Yes to this
Yes I can. 

So it's correct
Tomorrow will come
Today has found it's setting
The past is left where it's at
A new dawning is on the horizon
Whatever that means
Who that means
Being open for anything
I can't wait. 
Wondering about it all
Hopeful and willing
With a smile on my lips
we'll welcome in the possibilities
All of them. 


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