Why not now?

Today's the day
Today's the moment when
Knowing how
Knowing when 
You wake up with the idea of 
The thoughts that become
That became 
The desire to- 
Be the best for
For yourself 
Not for anyone 
For the future you're creating
The future incoming

Knowing that you can be
Knowing that you are enough
Realizing that it was within reach all along
All you need is here
All you desire
All you've longed for

It's within reach now
All the love in the world
All of the joys you could imagine
The foundation you've spent so long building
and stronger than you realized

Knowing that the beauty you hold
Has the power to light your world
The World 
in the palm of your hands
Yesterday was the hardest day of your life 
Today you want to live
Today you're living for everything you've ever wanted.
Everything I've ever believed in
Now I believe in myself.
Something that's waned
Time and time again 
Let down after let down
To know
You step a little lighter
Walk a bit more steady

The belief that life is
In essence,
Simple by nature 
The only complications
come from the outside.

To love in full
To be given in return 
The desire for easy
A simple life.
A warm bed
A warm embrace
Close friends
The wonderful few
A place to call home
A person to share it all with
Beliefs in the truth
The choice to live

The day's come
the same as the go
Yet you,
You've always been there
Ever present in my heart
Ever present in my soul 
As it has
As it should be
Never for want
Never to lack.

With a smile on your lips
You move forward
You move onward
Knowing full well that life doesn't get easier
Only easier as you make it. 
Tomorrow is when 
As the now
Is as is... 


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