Escape, Hopeful

Face life for what it is
Face life for what you want
Be present
Share in the moments
Taking care of her
Taking care of them
Who takes care of me?

It's on me

I am capable
I am able

Loneliness as is 
Loneliness is there
I get tired now and again
I am too tired to deal with it anymore

It's easy to forget the why's
Even if they're ever present
Ever on your mind
Ever in the trenches of life.


I miss the days as a kid
Childlike interests
Childlike curiosity
Excited for less
Excited for it all

My thoughts tend to blur into the background
Easy to escape
Easily wanting to forget
Man I'm tired 

Winning is facing
Victories are the day's where
To the moments when
I choose to feel
Choose to process
Choose to face.

Another day gone
Another day ahead
I'm on the path I want to be on
Learning to live in the moments
Not stuck on the what should have beens
The past is a slippery slope
So I often take the moments to of reminiscence
To reminiscing of what will be
I believe that the many little daily battles one
Is that of winning slowly the days to come
Invest into yourself
Is to invest into the person you want to draw into your life

I'm present
Though tired I may be
I'm learning to just be me
Not needing to be with anyone
To be all I want to be
Happy to just be 
Grateful for another day of breath 
Grateful for the ability to succeed
Success from where I've been

Building this foundation
As I'm creating the future of my dreams

Another day ahead 
Even if I fall
I'll pick myself up
And keep going
No more escaping 

I'm ready and able
awake and willing
Alive and steady
Dead-set on where I want to be

With God's help
You can't stop me know


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