Rewriting the Stars

Setting it all free,
Setting the direction of your desires, 
becoming who, 
and what you want to be.
Making it about us,
No bounds,
no limits.
It's all up to you,
and me.
What we want.
Doubts may come,
Energies may seek to push and pull us away..
It wont be easy,
But able to be overcome.

We'll make mistakes along the way.
I've been completely focused on me,
what I'm not getting,
what I need,
Ignoring what you need.
Pushing you further and further away.
Not at all nurturing the person, you are.

I said I loved you.
Yet I wasn't focused enough on you.
I couldn't get out of my own way,
My head,
My sense of depression.
It left me in a cycle of suppression, smothering energies.
It trapped us.
No wonder why you ran.
I would have as well. 

It's never too late,
Let's rewrite these stars.
It's all there,
Just up to us to improve,
want better,
be better.
You can stay trapped there,
or Fly.
Finding the way.

I won't fall into that trap again.
Making it about you,
You making it about me,
Finding, Unconditional Love.
It's Something neither one of us has had. 
That's the ultimate point.
You'll have me at your lowest of low's,
and at your highest highs.
Created together,
and never stopping.
Trusting in me,
and me, trusting in you.

I wont let anything damper my spirit,
and my desire to be better. 
We can both see as many problems as we want. 
Let our insecurities hold us back,
but that's what life's for.
Becoming better,
Shooting for new heights,
Aiming for new goals,
Then becoming, through our habits created.

It'll take work.
Work I can't wait to make.
For you,
That beautiful person of my soul,
Whoever you may be.. ;) 

As long as there's breath in my lungs..


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