A smile on my lips.

I want you to close your eyes.
Picture happiness,
What does that mean to you?
Is it that one thing you desire most?
Is it a number of things?
With your eyes closed,
Now follow your train of thoughts,
to whatever that smile brings.
Allow yourself to imagine,
a world where,
where you smile for no reason at all,
You feel fulfilled,
You've accomplished so much,
Attained all you've wanted.
Is that happiness?
Or is it a perspective shift.
What is the key to your smile?
What will it take,
to make it stick?
Now shift your thoughts,
to what it will take,
to make this life attain that happiness you want.

For most people,
It's easy to shift our thoughts to what's holding us back,
but don't let your brain do that.
I promise you happiness isn't far away,
It's truly a train of thoughts away.
Now remember this:
Whenever you start feeling negativity crowd your head space,
replace those thoughts with a smile,
and the opposite of what's making you feel negative.  
It's a mental trigger that if you allow to be placed,
could be the first step to the paradigm shift you need,
to attain the happiness you seek.
I will also say,
That no one thing can attain it.
It's a shift in your head,
a commitment to be happier.
To smile more often,
to easier on yourself,
to think more positively about those around you,
and not balk at the idea that you can be happy.
It doesn't take much,
Just that cognitive change of pattern.

Commit to happiness.
Commit to yourself,
That you wont settle for less,
That you are worth everything,
And once you start doing this,
It will be amazing what will enter your life.
Positive energy will flow from you,
and you will accomplish all you've ever wanted.
Life will still be hard,
but you will be lighter,
and more mentally capable of dealing with whatever comes your way.


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