Gone Away

I didn't know you,
but yet I knew you.
The hope of a better tomorrow,
the light on your face,
the brightness of your eyes.
Your sister would have loved..

The thought of you being here is but a smile I can only hope to witness again.

You are gone,
You are gone...

The timing was wrong,
The thought's nothing but pain.
The idea of,
the hope of.
It's not fair,
for so many reasons.
And so it feels like,
It feels like...
Heavens so far away,
and nobody cares.

The World's grown cold,
and I'm still here.

The thoughts are fleeting,
but the pain is still there.
I haven't dealt with it,
I ran from the thoughts..

Now it's here.
The thought of holding your sister,
and knowing you could have been..

I'm hoping that you were given another chance,
That somehow, someway,
You were given another home.
A home with two loving parents,

It would't have been that way with us,
A broken home to be,
A broken world to come,
and yet, you would have been loved.
Would have been the second addition to my world.

And it feels like,
and it feels like..
The pain won't go away.
The thoughts,
Though fleeting they've become,
I can't stop but to wonder...
How it would have been.

But I won't ever know,
But I can hope...
Some how..

Up there,
smiling down,
I don't know how it all works,
but I will make you proud..
My unborn child..

It Feels like,
and how it feels like,
Heaven's forgotten me.

But I'm starting to find it again,
starting to feel it again,
Starting, and seeing.

It feels like..
Oh how it feels like,
Heavens too far away,
and in another life,
I will find you there.


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