A boy said to a girl

"Come lay, see the colors of this rainbow."
the boy said "its better over here..."

"but why" the girl said, "life is better how I thought it once was.
Dreams faded once I don't know how to dream again."

"Just Lay down beside me" he said and "don't wonder "why" or if you can,
just take my hand, this isn't that facade, its real, the colors of this rainbow are so breath taking, I promise."

"I've heard those lines before, yet they were all lies."

"Look up, see what I see. See the colors of the rainbow above us, feel it with me as the rainbow comes to the earth and allows us to touch it."

"I'm scared to, it seems all to good. How about I just take one step closer to you instead."

"...If that's what you want, the boy said "I'll still be here to take your hand, but this rainbow is so breathtaking its so real, I really wish you would look at it, just one peek."

"how about you just describe it to me... that would be easier for me to do, I don't know how to look again..."

The boy at this moment sat up for a second, looked at the girl then took her hand, looked her in her bulby eyes; smiled and said while every so often looking up to the rainbow as if to renew his memory of the breathtaking picture he is looking at:

"the colors of this rainbow spells out a story as if God himself is sending us a message, it describes an untouched beauty so true and unique that God's hand must have remained true while he painted this rainbow."

the boy went on...

"The colors are of radiating yellows to evergreen greens, to deep and sensual blues, to dark and mysterious purples..."

"Are there any pinks in this rainbow of such pure colors?" the girl said staring back at the boy, with those bulby green eyes of hers...

"Why wont you look for yourself" said the boy.

"I'm not ready yet, please, just tell me..."

As if unhindered the boy went on, but this time guiding the girl down to the ground with his arm motioning her to lay beside him... all the while the boy never stopped looking at her... She hesitated a bit but as the boy smiled and just kept staring at her, she finally got on her knees and just looked at the boy fixed on him, and stayed on her knees and waited for him to continue...

"the pinks of this rainbow define a love story one that is light and sweet with a deep sense of passion as the pink turns into a true red, but with a sense of purity as that red turns into a clean a pure white..."

"Look!" the boy said...

She did at that moment; as she did a dove protruded from the white, the sign of God's grace and spirit, peace with a clear sign of tranquility...

"I haven't felt this in a long time, is this real?" the girl said as she finished the boy raised his body too meet her eyes... their noses can almost touch. The dove flew to her then rested on her shoulder.

"This is real my dove,(referring to her) God's grace has sufficed it be so..."

She smiled looked at the dove on her shoulder, touched it, then turned her head back to the boy and kissed him on the cheek.

"Thank you" the girl said then she looked back at the rainbow this time taking in all of its beauty for herself...

A single tear glistened her cheek, at that moment the boy took his finger and wiped it from her face.

"It is beautiful, just as you said it was, how I wished I would have just looked sooner."

"It's ok" the boy said "We'll do it together... forever and ever we will look at this rainbow and let it come to life. We'll see God's grace and love in our lives..."

The Boy and the Girl just spent the rest of that day soaking in the beauty that laid before, knowing that this is real and true...

The boy said to the girl, by this time the day came and went as it started to fade into late afternoon, then to a dark and stary night. so they just continued to lay there in the grass, legs and arms intermingled with one another...

"I love you" he said...

"I love you too" said the girl but it was a half whisper as she started to sleep in in arms...

The Boy then prayed, and thanked God for the beauty that laid in his his arms...

-S Arenas


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