Paradise is at your door.

that word,
the thoughts entailed.

you know the feeling - it's a place, it's...
a dream,
a venture,
a romance,

The place you go to escape,
the place you love -
it's the feeling you have,,
and that feeling of freedom...

Paradise -
Paradise is at your door:
Sweet glades of green,
meadows with trees,
Rolling mountains,
The place away,
away from it all...

It's the place where your heart can heal,
The place where you...
where you leave it all behind you..

Paradise -
Paradise is at your door:
Golden Beaches,
the Sun on your skin,
The Ocean...

Do you feel small as you peer into it's vastness?

Finding you,
the one of my life,
the one I want to be with... and love.
how could it happen so fast?
It's just right.

Paradise -
Paradise is at your door,
Her cares,
Her Love,
and oh those Eyes,
man that smile,
and that laugh.
How we accelerate one another.

Finding that place together,
in each others arm.
I don't remember being happier...

The life we live, the hardships and loves,
lets find that paradise in ourselves,
lets surround ourselves with goodness,
and greatness.
Let us live another day,
fight for a new tomorrow.
Create a paradise around you.
Create the beauty you dream about,
Then live it.

Paradise -
It's at your door.
Lets create it together,
Then live it.


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