Can you look yourself in the eyes?

Can you look yourself in the eyes?

At the end of the night,
Your mind is on the edge of quick thinking,
and blurred rationalizations..
"Oh I'm in for it tomorrow..."

The memories of experiences past -
Night drives through the city,
All night - to find yourself on someone's floor,
Passing out, and far from home,,
To think - your sober...

Winding roads lead you to diverse locations,
Finding yourself on the edge if reality,
That the people around you,
Are all that matters.
Those you chose and they chose to stick by you.

But At the end of the road,
You finally realize that it was all... a waste..

With Eyes wide open you started,
Knowing well what you were and are getting yourself into.
You realize that you're not perfect, and
Hoping you're okay with it.
There's some thing's you need to change,
But rest you need to live with...

Life is one hell of a messed up place,
Accepting the fact,
Then just being happy through it all. 

Many times you create a false sense of lively hood,
Things you believe matter, just don't.
To think that you did those things,
With your eyes wide open,
Accepting the fact for a reality,
Thats Not even true.

Are your garments a little dirty?
Sometimes I feel like they're more dirty than clean,
Even with this reality,
I can still look myself in the eyes...

Now, Can you look at her in the eyes,
And say you've truly loved her?
I can.

Can you look her in eyes and be okay with yourself..?

Even with your eyes wide open,
Knowing fully well the diversely between you two,
You believe that she can accept you,
With all of the complexity of who you are,
She just gets it.

That's the reality I've always wanted.
The fact that she can get where you're coming from,
Even though she might not be able to relate,
But at least she can understand,
And not judge you for it.

With eyes wide open,
You look her in the eyes -
Even with all your life experiences;
You can still give to her,
And still give her all of who you are.

How many people can and actually will do that? 
Many times I haven't.
I wouldn't even give them a chance.

Now is the end of my fears.
To this extent - I'm putting in the past,
What needs to be there.
I no longer will carry with me
The baggage of yesterday.

Just going with the person I am now,
And will strive to be more, and better.
Reach that person God would have me be; and
Move into the future,
With my eyes wide open.

I will look life straight in the eyes,
Cuss it out - 
Then move forward, 
And onto bigger and better things.


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