Oh the times gone past - The Memories, They never stop rollin..

Oh the joys of simple memories,
Carried away by the tales of the past.
How I've loved the roads walked on,
the freinds who've held my hand,
and times spent,
loud at home,
to fast behind the wheel,
window jumping,
or secrets on the times that happened.

The times we spent;
Oh how they flew,
I've loved them all.

you were with me, weren't ya?
you can share the same thoughts,
because we've known each other,
that long.
And, we know each other that well.

the laughing joys of meaningless humor,
the times around the den,
and the shin-digs,
no-body even uses that word anymore.
but what better way of describing how we were?

no-body can say,
they've been there,
done that,
unless they were us.

at the end of each night,
you pushed me out of the window,
and I snuck you through the door.

rather spent during the earliest of the morning,
or the latest of nights,
we never slept,
nor did we stop.
It was us.
The group,
our group,
or just you and I.

The team who did it all.
and had the grandest of times.

It's not even about what we did,
but who we became,
rather great, or not so great.
it's who we are.
I love it.
And I'm glad you were there.

to us!


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