
I'm at peace with the decision.
Happy with the outcome.
I know you, and you know me,
We are both one of a kind,
Full of strength,
While imperfect,
We still find comfort in each others arms,
rather its just a thought,
or just a glance.

we know what could be,
and to that we'll be at peace,
that at one day we might find it all,
in the arms of each other.

you're the best thing,
I know not why,
but I can't lie,
this is in my heart,
and that I can't deny.

to you I make this simple note.
keep it dear,
as I hold you dear.
I'm always here,
and will hear you,
Will hold you as you need holding,
and will kiss you as the fates align.

I'm the person you need,
and I'm not going anywhere.
you're in my life, and I'm in yours.
this is how I want it.
as is what you tell me.

we'll find each other.
that's for certain.

my dear,
I'll never be to far away...


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