I woke up...

As the Turmoil swirls around in my head,
The trials I am asked to face press upon me,
encloses me and threatens to trap me inside of myself.
And wants to tear me apart.

The stresses of the day weigh more on the morrow.
I wake up threatening to myself- I will not move,
That I just don't care anymore.
I often wonder what will happen if I just lay here?
Scared to move, would anyone care?

Then I thought of you,
The mysterious woman of my heart,
Even hurt as I am,
Doesn't change the peace I could find with you by my side.

Its the uniqueness of the moment,
As is the spontaneous world you live in,
Which is the realization in this reality
that anything can fade.

Even though it is as it is,
I like to think back to the moment we met,
And how I can find hope in that time.
Regardless of what happens;
at least, to this I know:
that such magical moments are still liable to happen.

I find hope that someday the clouds will dissipate,
and again, someday, I will find the comfort of love.
Even as the hardships of the hellish conditions we sometimes live under
threatens to take control
and how you wish they wouldn't...

There is still you,
The thoughts of what can be.
I'm happy that I knew you,
I'm glad that in you and your uniqueness
I was showed how to have hope again.

The days move forward and the car is still running,
Maybe someday I will settle down and find a home again.
The possibilities are endless,
oh how grand the future looks.

So I thought of you,
and the world really does look better.
Thanks for it.
I have a glitter about my eyes that wasn't there before.

Someday I know you'll find the same home,
and in hope there it lies.

So I thought of you...


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