Keep the Car Running..

It's one thing to stay stuck and unmoving,
Lost in unforgiving habits.
Staying on the path of loneliness and despair.

But the beauty of life comes from never stopping.
Keep the engine on,
Stay focused move forward,
Don't look back except to remember the lessons learned.

Keep the car running,
don't stop to long,
make a new life,
be strong, grow up,
love again,
hope again.

Remember that you're not alone.

Keep the car running my friend.
take your time,
but keep it running.

From one location to another,
a new city to a new home.

Make your life,
and mark it with the greatest
and with only the purest beauties.

Keep the car running,
and stay out of your head.
What happens in front of you, is it,
don't invent things.

Love more and love a new.

Keep the car running.
Keep it true.


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