
and Somehow

To my Final Valentine, I don't know why and I'm still trying to figure the how.. That somehow, in someway, God blessed my life with you.  I didn't feel like I deserved the love you had  Yet somehow.. you taught me how to accept that I do.  From the moment we talked I knew that you would be special  That in someway We would connect deeper than I ever have before you That somehow, I went from being broken.. to whole.  That in someway, I learned how to love again.  From a Valentine hater,  To this day,  I can't see without you as my Valentine.  In you, I see the rest of my life  2 children, a boy and a girl  The first with brown hair,  The second, with a head full of red.. I love you baby.  Somehow, simply So Yet in Someway, Stronger than I've ever experienced.. I love you.  Without the right words to describe Yet Somehow I just know.  From the second week of telling you.. To asking you to move in with me.  and...

Pieces of me

Pieces of me In Highschool I used to fantasize all the time That by this age, I'd be this far. That I would have accomplished everything I wanted  A beautiful relationship With a beautiful family  The way I was raised  I was instilled with this simplistic Hope & Ideal That with the fire of my heart's desires  I can and would accomplish anything That Life and Love are intertwined  You accomplish one then you'll have the other Call this boy-ish fantasy what you will But the truth is? I was too prideful to attain those boy-ish fantasies  Too Prideful to love myself the way I needed to be loved And in return be able to give myself to someone.  God was I prideful.  I don't really know what it was But I was obsessed with Love Yet had no clue how to get it To find it, and to function with it.  I never had a hard time attracting someone But what I did isn't something you can call dating  I'd never had a functional relationship Up until I was...

From the Daylight

  Oh how i love it and i hate it at the same time Running from the distance Selling myself for less May I spare the mercy from the mercy deep within? Please don't leave me in the end There's a light from within Yet I resist it's influence I hate the idea that I can feel again From the daylight, Oh, how I'm running from the daylight. Somehow you know at the same time That you and I are running from the same light Subconsciously aware of  Knowing it's all there. Yet somehow running away from  What we both can share. Our pride is holding us hostage. From the way we're been living The constant lies we live in All keeping us from the daylight we deserve. We draw poison from the same vine Running from the daylight Lovin' the thoughts of how it could be. From on my knee's  Though standing at the same time. Help me stand in the presence of  The Light we share, and that thought of being happy again.  How dare I dream of such an idea! We drew poison from the same ...

Again to when?

Again and again everywhere everyday the art of scraping through  That caress of someone new  The way The art of it  Something new? Someone new?  It's the game played Exhausting the person played Walking again  with another stranger Falling in love again With someone new?   Again and again Again to when? The distance from now to forever? Start's with a decision for another day with that person  A decision I thought we made?  Why then Are we right back to this.. again?  Again and again Again to when?  So here we are  Again? The same pattern  How to you break it? Without breaking it?  Every way I look Either direction pointed  Begins with a decision to say yes Yes today, tomorrow, and more days after Again and again A round pattern of grey With highlights of color I'm ready for the color of everyday With surety  and comfort with each step forward Carrying myself  While moving together  Holding you up ...


I don't keep track I won't keep score For I said that I am  So I do  and will everyday. This isnt a game to me You aren't a game to be played A victory to be had.   More like a dream to acquire  To live in  With you the leading part All I've ask Is honesty and truth As honestly I can't be anything but true  Though smiles come daily with you Laughing till tears rim my eyes Serious yet light hearted is who I am  And will be with they I've chosen Too many times have I fallen short Too many mistakes made Too many broken hearts  Too many tears the wrong way The wrong places.  Fearful to have fear Fearing the outcomes No longer No more Now it's for the fearless As I'm longing for love  Something real Something unbreakable  Something to never let go of  With you as the center piece  Baby the one to be desired  As I've done the work  I've done the time For this time It's all I want All I desire My happily ever after...

The Girl

There you see her, A smile on in her eyes A smile on her lips.. She lights up the room She has no clue just how much Even after all this time After everything How can she still be so beautiful? How can that smile still steal your breath?  There's a place in time A time and a place when You look her way She smiles and looks away There's one person on your mind One person this night's about There you see her She's looking at you You catch a smile.. You don't dare to hope Yet you hope to dare  In a place where A place when.. A room full of beautiful people There's only one that matters One that holds your desire  The only one you see.. She'll act that nothing's changed That nothing, is something As it's still you Still her.  Something scares her It's up to you to Up to you to help her through.. The whole night A night that wasn't to be Somehow became All about her All about you You don't dare to Hope Yet you Hope to dare..  It's there Sh...

The Day After Tomorrow

Growing up. To the days, To the moments. All that time from then till now. I remember the days when all I wanted to do was Get the the next moment Move on to the next pages of life Not the moments during But the moments Before and After Fundamentally flawed by cause As cause and effect would have it I have yet to have the moments in between The Story I've always searched for To now, too this place .. I've had to take many steps backwards So to see clearer To attain the now, I desire. Recognizing that fundamentally flawed I may have been Not too far off from where I aimed to be Just needed to readjust the target, the stance, the positioning.. What if instead of worrying about the morrow, We focus on the now then the day after tomorrow? For tomorrow will always come Along with everything that may come with it. For now, I'll memorize the little things The scents, the sounds, Words spoken, and actions made.  I'll store them in the bank, Then draw on them as I need them most...