
I don't keep track

I won't keep score

For I said that I am 

So I do 

and will everyday.

This isnt a game to me

You aren't a game to be played

A victory to be had.  

More like a dream to acquire 

To live in 

With you the leading part

All I've ask

Is honesty and truth

As honestly I can't be anything but true 

Though smiles come daily with you

Laughing till tears rim my eyes

Serious yet light hearted is who I am 

And will be with they I've chosen

Too many times have I fallen short

Too many mistakes made

Too many broken hearts 

Too many tears the wrong way

The wrong places. 

Fearful to have fear

Fearing the outcomes

No longer

No more

Now it's for the fearless

As I'm longing for love 

Something real

Something unbreakable 

Something to never let go of 

With you as the center piece 

Baby the one to be desired 

As I've done the work 

I've done the time

For this time

It's all I want

All I desire

My happily ever after

Though romantically dense that may seem 

Romantically helpless I choose to be, at times

Aren't we all? 

With you I will be 


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