The Day After Tomorrow

Growing up.
To the days,
To the moments.
All that time from then till now.

I remember the days when all I wanted to do was
Get the the next moment
Move on to the next pages of life
Not the moments during
But the moments Before and After

Fundamentally flawed by cause
As cause and effect would have it
I have yet to have the moments in between
The Story I've always searched for
To now, too this place ..

I've had to take many steps backwards
So to see clearer
To attain the now, I desire.

Recognizing that fundamentally flawed I may have been
Not too far off from where I aimed to be
Just needed to readjust the target, the stance, the positioning..

What if instead of worrying about the morrow,
We focus on the now then the day after tomorrow?
For tomorrow will always come
Along with everything that may come with it.

For now,
I'll memorize the little things
The scents, the sounds,
Words spoken,
and actions made. 
I'll store them in the bank,
Then draw on them as I need them most.

For we never know when we need those memories the most.
As you never know when,
Those you've loved,
When those you've always had,
Go away,
When you are alone, 
Down and out, 
Hurting from life,
All that entails. 

I will remember, 
I've had it in bits,
Seasons's of fullness,
More often of not,
But they've all been there.
The Joy's and Loves
Friendships and more.
To those I adore,
and still adore.
The places I've called home,
The ones who held it there. 

Tomorrow will always come,
But what's now, what's after tomorrow?

Everything that matters,
Change over time,
But the memories of it all.
Grasping onto the fragments
Holding on to the picture frames
From now, to then.
From then to the morrow..

We're here now,
Rather we like it or not.
With that, I choose a better day
As the day's I live,
I've chosen them all,
Rather I wanted it or not,
I drew it in.

So, the day after tomorrow,
The day that's now till forever.
I'll memorize the air, the scents.
There's a time when I'll want to remember I was here.

To find what's recognizable,
Only with something that'll match. 
It's crazy the things we let go of,
Just to realize, you had it all along...


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