The Angel of today

I used to think
That life was about
Being open for the day when
A savior would enter it
And change everything
There is
Someone who will rock my world
Then turn it upside down..

The truth is?
There's no such thing as saviors
Outside of God alone
Just Angels that help facilitate, 
The desire to change
And that's already inside of you.
As no one can do the work for you
Just a choice to make
Then the path to go on.

I hear you
See you
Feel the words
What is it that's keeping you emotionally still?
What is it that's holding you back?

A savior isn't the solution to this condition.. 

Much of the same words
Same stories
Same experiences 
Keep revolving around you
Not that you're completely stuck
There's so many evidences that you're not
Yet emotionally
You want more than ever
To want different
Be different
Accept better
Can you say you're willing to?

The Angels of your life
The Angels of your soul
The evidences that you're not alone
That you've been given the tools 
Can you see them?
Accept them?

It's okay to be terrified 
Change often brings that out. 
But why stand still? 
You even see it yourself
Yet here you go back at it again
Slight variations of the same story..
Give in
Throw in 
Give up
Looking passed red flags
Insecurities of what may never be 
Resist what the past dictated
This time isn't different
It always ends the same:
Earth shattering
Months before moving on..

Mental affirmations 
Only go so far
As physically choosing
Is the only way to actual change.

As mindset work will only go so far.
As important as affirmations are.

For what you feel, think, believe in
Is in your tissue.
The way your body holds information

Mindset shifts are like 10% of what true change is.
Affirmations are great
But if your not doing the physical work 
Change wont happen to the extent you desire.
And most likely will be temporary
As the body is the external expression of your soul

Crazy how the easiest of answers are typically right in front of us
It's not rocket science
It's healing.
Being willing to face your inner self and choose honesty.
Resistance comes from your mind or body expressing
That there's further clarification that needs to happen. 
Challenge resistance
Ask yourself questions to seek further understanding
Then address it
More often than not
We tend to run from the resistance we feel
Instead of of challenging them
Our bodies and minds tend to resist change
It's natural
Challenge yourself. 
Seek clarification 

I used to think
That life was about
Being open for the day when
A savior would enter it
And change everything
There is
Someone who will rock my world
Then turn it upside down..

The truth is?
There's no such thing as saviors
Just God alone.
Yet to those Angels of today?
Thank them in deed
In Thought
and with words.
For these people are few and far between
and oh boy do we need them.

In part because
No one can do this work for you.
Just these very few 
who want to hold your hand as you're doing it.

So now
There's a choice to make
Choose the path, then to go on it.


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