Live let live.

Everybody's story is different,
Every path has it's twists, has its turns. 
As much as we can love it,
Is as much as we can hate it. 
Life isn't meant to be linear,
Life isn't meant to be a "one try win all" type gig.
Sometimes you pass go and collect money, 
Many times you end up owing it. 
There is no certainty's,
just assurances. 

An assurance that if you try your hardest, you'll get the most out of whatever is in front of you.
An assurance that you wont have regrets.
Assurances that if you be you, you will will have nothing to be ashamed of.
An assurance that if you love with all you have to love, 
You would have laid it all on the table, no guilt, no shame, no regrets.

Assurance comes from within.
That although you may never get back all you put in,
You can at least say: "good job, you made it the best you could." 
You gave it your heart, you gave it your all.
To that end you will find your peace. 

Know this:
Live let live always.
When you know, you know. 
Whatever grand plan you live by,
Whatever grand design life follows,
Let go,
Let live. 
Live to the fullest you can,
Live to the moments content. 
Give to yourself,
Give to others. 
Cherish all moments equally.
Rather for joy, or for sadness.
That way you can learn the lessons you are meant learn
Live the way you are meant to live.

One step ahead of the other,
Next step ahead of the next,
and be all that is in the moment. 
Life is too short.
Life is too precious.

Just grow as we grow,
and live let live.. 


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